Cos'è Power Pages? | Power Pages

Today at the second annual Microsoft Power Platform Community-led Conference, we are excited to share the latest features and capabilities for Microsoft Power Pages. Generative AI has been brought to the forefront of low code development and we are thrilled to expand our Power Pages copilot capabilities to further transform the way developers build and […]

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Get coding assistance with Copilot while editing site code in Visual Studio Code desktop

We are excited to announce a new preview feature: Copilot in Power Pages for Visual Studio Code desktop. This feature provides you with coding assistance while you edit your site code in Visual Studio Code desktop using natural language chat interaction. You can use Copilot in Power Pages to describe your expected code behavior and […]

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Maker Copilot for Power Pages: revolutionize your web development experience

Maker Copilot is your Generative AI assistant that redefines your web development experience. Since the unveiling of Maker Copilot at BUILD, our initial public preview has focused on providing in-context experiences for form creation and text generation. We are excited to unveil a suite of new Copilot experiences for Microsoft Power Pages that will change […]

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Discover makers working on a site with Copresence

We are happy to announce Copresence for Power Pages design studio. Collaborate efficiently on your website with the Copresence capabilities consistent across Power Platform applications. Feature highlights Read more about Copresence in our documentation here. Please provide your feedback and ideas about improving Power Pages maker collaboration on the Power Pages Ideas forum.

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Edit complete site code using Visual Studio Code for web

In October 2022, we launched Power Pages code editing in Visual Studio Code for web feature, which introduced a free, zero-install Visual Studio Code experience for Power Pages code editing in your browser. We also made incremental changes to improve performance and reliability with infrastructure changes and feature addition such as save conflict feature to […]

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Protecting code from accidental overwrites in Power Pages with Visual Studio Code for web’s conflict merge feature

When multiple developers are working in Power Pages, there may be multiple instances of a file open simultaneously. Right now, in this scenario, whichever version of a file is saved last overrides the existing file often resulting in accidental code loss across multi-person teams.  The latest release of Power Pages Visual Studio Code for the […]

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Introducing Power Pages developer websites

As Power Pages steps into the next phase of its journey, we are happy to announce Power Pages developer websites which will allow both low code makers and pro developers a playground to develop, test and upskill themselves on Power Pages capabilities without the hassle of signing up for time bound trials. Power Pages developer […]

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