Power Pages ALM using solutions (preview)
We are excited to announce the preview of ALM using solutions for Power Pages.
Using solutions with Power Pages allows you to contain and transport website configurations using standard Power Platform solution concepts.
Feature Capabilities
This feature includes the following capabilities:
- Solution explorer embedded experience in Power Pages.
- Add site(s) to a solution and export/import across environments.
- Ability to add newly added artifacts on an incremental basis.
- Use PAC CLI solution command with Power Pages.
Solution explorer embedded experience in Power Pages
This experience allows you to perform all solution-related actions from Power Pages home.
Add site(s) to the solution
Adding site(s) to the solution also adds its component(s) and dependent Dataverse component(s).

Ability to add newly added artifacts on an incremental basis
This will allow adding any new components for a site to the solution.
Use PAC CLI solution command with Power Pages.
The Power Platform CLI provides solution-related commands that can also be applied to Power Pages.
Try out the experience at make.powerpages.microsoft.com!
How to enable it?
- Opt-in to create sites on the enhanced data model. More details here.
- Create a new site and try out solutions. More details here.
- Edit/customize your site using Power Pages design studio and the new Power Pages Management App.
Note: Please ensure environments are opted-in for the enhanced data model for Power Pages solutions feature to work.
To learn more check out the documentation. We look forward to hearing from you!